
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Illustration Friday: Lesson

The topic this week, lesson, reminded me of school day chalkboards, desks, and workbooks. Good times...if only I had known that then!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Earth Day! -April 22

Do something good for the earth! If I didn't live in an apartment I would plant my own garden just like my grandparents and reduce the amount of vegetables, fruit, and herbs bought at the grocery store. For now, I have pots on my balcony with a few herbs.

Attend an Earth Day event in your community. You can check out for events and ideas on ways to better the earth.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Polaroid Loveliness

A great tutorial over at Ambrosia Girl (pictured above) on how to make your own mini Polaroid magnets! How Crafty! The link to this tutorial is right below. Try it out!

These are some pictures I took in October in France and think they would look pretty nifty as mini Polaroid magnets! I played with them a bit in photoshop to get more of that Polaroid feel and I added the date and place just for fun.

Shake it!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A little gratitude

I would like to say Thank You to a local radio station- KXT 91.7 for playing some great indie music! It's so refreshing to hear something different on the radio. It is great music to listen to while I'm drawing...and I'll occasionally take a dance break too. This is what music is about! What a great variety of local music and new music from across the world! You've got me hooked :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Recurring thought...

I said this to a friend the other day relating to something they were going through ( I won't say because it's kind of personal). It just blurt out of my mouth, and I was like "Whoa where did that come from?" "That's pretty deep!" I've been thinking on these words in the past few days, and I have found them to be kind of liberating and meaningful for me right now. I hope you can find some meaning in them as well.